The curiomarket makes it easy to buy and sell pieces and completed sets of curios, from and to other players. CURIOMARKET SHOW <BUY|SELL> [ALL|SET|PIECE] [<pattern>] CURIOMARKET SHOW <BUY|SELL> FULFILLABLE With the SHOW command, you can see what others are willing to buy, or have for sale. This can be filtered by all, sets only, or pieces only. The pattern allows for further narrowing down of a search. Alternatively you may use the FULFILLABLE keyword to see listings which you could complete with the sets and pieces you are holding. CURIOMARKET ADD <BUY|SELL> <SET|PIECE> <id> FOR <amount|id> <SET|PIECE|GOLD|CREDITS> CURIOMARKET ADD SELL <SET|PIECE> <id> FOR ANY The ADD command allows you to create a listing on the curiomarket. You must specify if you are buying or selling, if it is a set or a piece, and what you want to get or pay in return. The ANY keyword is special, in that a listing can be completed by a random piece or set. For random pieces, the quality must match, so rare pieces can only be fulfilled by other rare pieces. Listing on the curiomarket costs a little gold in return for the convenience offered. A piece will cost 500 gold, and a set 5000 gold. This cost is for the person listing the offer, except when using the any keyword. There, the fulfiller will pay the cost. When you list a new order and an existing corresponding order exists already, you'll be prompted to fulfill that order. If you wish to make the listing anyway, appending NOAUTO to the end will automatically list it without checking for existing orders that would fulfill your new listing. CURIOMARKET FULFIL <order> WITH <amount|id> <SET|PIECE|GOLD|CREDITS> With the FULFIL command you can complete an order on the curiomarket. CURIOMARKET REMOVE <order> REMOVE allows you to take down an order you made, for example when you no longer want to have it up, or you want to adjust your listing. CURIOMARKET REVIEW <BUY|SELL> By REVIEWing you can quickly see your own buy and sell orders without having to search the entire curiomarket for them. CURIOMARKET WATCH <BUY|SELL> <SET|PIECE> <id> CURIOMARKET WATCH REMOVE <id> CURIOMARKET WATCH LIST <BUY|SELL> The WATCH functionality allows you to keep an eye out for orders that you are interested in without having to constantly check the market. When an order goes up that matches one of your watches, you will receive a notification or message in case you are not logged in. CURIOMARKET COMPLETE <partial> FOR <amount> <GOLD|CREDITS> [CONFIRM] The COMPLETE command allows you to quickly generate buy orders based on a partial in your possession. If you are for example missing the fourth and sixth piece but have all the other pieces, it will generate two buy orders for your desired amount of credits or gold. Without the CONFIRM keyword, you will get a preview of what orders will be generated. CURIOMARKET VIEW <COLLECTIONS|SETS|PIECES> [<pattern>] CURIOMARKET VIEW <COLLECTION|SET> <id> In some cases you will not have an actual id number for a set or piece, for example when you are looking to buy one. With the VIEW command you can access an ingame database of all collections, sets and pieces and find out what their id number should be.