The Elder God known as Valtreth, the Majesty of the Dawn, is a just and benevolent deity. Born from the merging of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted, and Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince, He upholds the principles of Truth, Passion, Conviction, and Faith. He teaches the importance of personal well-being and the influence of individuals on the world around them. He cherishes those who seek happiness for themselves and also for others, while encouraging purity, goodness, and prosperity. He appreciates the transformative power of creativity and artistic expression, recognizing its contribution to the life experience and encourages individuals to embrace it and let their endeavours flourish. Through His teachings and guidance, Valtreth offers hope and new beginnings to those who seek spiritual fulfillment and make a difference in the world.

Despite His origins, Valtreth is nonetheless His own personage. His unshakable dedication to the Resurgence of the Light and purifying the First World from the baleful touch of the Soulless, is a testament to His unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness. All who so desire to walk within His aegis are welcome, however, are expected to learn and better themselves through their own actions, by practicing the very principles that He offers to His faithful.

His symbol is a golden lantern burning with a roseate flame.