Buffs, vitals (health/mana/ego), resistances, regeneration and similar benefits or maluses are based on a 10 level system. If a skill or ability lists two numbers, it most likely means it is on the 10 level system (ex: 1/5, 2/8, 4/4, etc.).

Calculating Your Level

The first number is the actual level. The second number is the maximum level that particular ability counts towards. Generally, the maximum level is 10, though certain artifacts can take you up to level 13. Do not worry what order you apply your buffs as it will always be calculated to your maximum possible benefit, going from lowest to highest, and maluses are applied after buff totals have been calculated.


o If you have 1/4 fire resistance, it means it is a level 1 fire resistance and will give +1 fire resistance up to maxiumum level 4.

o If you have a 2/2, 1/1 and 1/2 fire resistance, it will only count as a level 2 fire resistance because none of the resistances count over level 2.

o If you have a 1/3, 1/1 and 1/2 fire resistance, it will count as a level 3 fire resistance: 1/1 gives the first level, 1/2 gives the second level (as it can go to a max of 2), and the 1/3 takes you to 3 (as it can go to a max of 3).

Advanced Example:

o If you have a 2/2, 2/12, 2/4, 1/2 and 2/5 fire resistances first the /2 resistances will be added together. These provide a total of 3, but as that exceeds the maximum for these resistances, the total benefit is 2. Next, the 2/4 resistance is applied; adding 2 to the prior value brings you to a total of 4 which does not exceed the maximum, leaving you with a total of 4 fire resistance. Following that, the 2/5 is applied; this adds up to 6, which exceeds the maximum for this resistance. At this point, your total fire resistance is now 5. Finally, the 2/12 buff is applied; 7 is lower than the maximum of 12, so your end result is 7 fire resist. If a -3/-10 fire resistance malus is applied to the prior example, you would end up with 4 fire resistance. 

o If you wish to calculate buffs on your own, apply the buffs in order from the smallest cap to the biggest cap. For each buff, add its value to your running total, but remember that your running total in that step cannot exceed the maximum level of that step. Example calculation available below.

Total   Buff  Result
  0  +  1/2   =  1
  1  +  2/4   =  3
  3  +  2/4   =  4
  4  +  1/6   =  5
  5  +  5/13  =  10
  10 +  2/13  =  12

Benefit From Levels

For damage modifiers (both buffs and resistances), each level translates to an increase of 3%.

For speed modifiers (i.e. equilibrium and balance bonuses), each level translates to an increase of 2%.

For regenerative buffs, levels 1-3 give +1%, levels 4-10 give +2%, levels 11-13 give +3%, and levels 14-16 give +1%.

Vitals levels are included as modifiers in the formula that calculates health, mana and ego. This formula is: 300 + (5 * Character Level * (11 + Vitals Level)).

*Note: Adding levels past 100 for Demigods or 101 for Ascendants will not increase your vitals per level, instead the calculation will use 100 or 101 for Character level.

For influence modifiers, each level translates to a 10% boost in ego damage.