One of the most ancient and powerful entities in the multiverse, the Elder God Morgfyre is known as He Who Is Legion, the Devourer of Gods, and simply Legion.

During the Great Exodus of the Elder Gods from Lusternia millennia ago, Morgfyre conquered the seething horrors and fathomless creatures of the Void - nearly godlike in their own right. In a time when death herself had abandoned the Gods and left them helpless and scattered, Morgfyre drank of the spark of Creation within the shattered and ruined forms of His malevolent enemies, seizing their consciousness and spirit for Himself and feeding His immense and waxing strength. What dark places the Elder God tread during the long exile remain a mystery, but so changed is He that even the other Gods do not recognize what He has become.

In the modern epoch, Morgfyre is worshiped by cults and secretive sects across the lands, who revere His strength and rebirth in the burning forge of His exile. It is whispered in lore and legend that the God speaks not with His own voice, but with the shifting voices of His devoured enemies - yet rarely does Morgfyre's hand directly influence events, instead working subtly through His mortal servitors and agents. He is known to favour the Ouroborian Priesthood, whose seat of power rests within the tainted capital city of Magnagora, and who preach that humanity is served through the ever-changing process of rebirth and renewal. Dissolution and destruction, they teach, are the necessary tools of the greater transformation that must inevitably follow in their wake, and must be embraced as an equal part of that relentless cycle.

His symbol is the Ouroboros, the great serpent biting its own tail.