Announce News Posts: 2345-2306

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2345Jul 1st, 2014Jars of Aethergoop!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2344Jun 28th, 2014May Vesteran HonoursEstarra the EternalEveryone
2343Jun 22nd, 2014Aethergoop!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2342Jun 20th, 2014Web Client UpdateEstarra the EternalEveryone
2341Jun 20th, 2014Covenant UpdatesIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2340Jun 9th, 2014Aethregoop Additions!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2339Jun 8th, 2014Vote Weight UpdatesThe Norns, Administrators of FateEveryone
2338Jun 8th, 2014AFK Policy UpdateThe Norns, Administrators of FateEveryone
2337Jun 1st, 2014Homestead DeedingIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2336Jun 1st, 2014Aethergoop UpdateEstarra the EternalEveryone
2335Jun 1st, 2014Aethergoop! Promotions and QuestEstarra the EternalEveryone
2334May 30th, 2014April Vesteran HonoursEstarra the EternalEveryone
2333May 14th, 2014Doll TradingIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2332May 12th, 2014Call for Guidesthe Moirae, the Administrators of GuidesEveryone
2331May 8th, 2014Character Age LimitsEstarra the EternalEveryone
2330May 4th, 2014Gnewpie Buff AdjustmentsIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2329May 2nd, 2014Mortal Reviewersthe Charites, the Administrators of CraftsEveryone
2328May 1st, 2014March Vesteran HonoursEstarra the EternalEveryone
2327May 1st, 2014May Promotion: Gnewpie Dolls!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2326Apr 20th, 2014Customization BacklogEstarra the EternalEveryone
2325Apr 19th, 2014Present Promotion!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2324Apr 9th, 2014Overhaul UpdatesIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2323Apr 8th, 2014Starter Lesson PackagesIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2322Apr 8th, 2014New Lesson Package!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2321Apr 4th, 2014IH UpdateIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2320Apr 3rd, 2014A New Method Of Item TargetingIeptix the AnomalyEveryone
2319Apr 3rd, 2014April Fools!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2318Apr 2nd, 2014February Vesteran HonoursEstarra the EternalEveryone
2317Apr 1st, 2014Vermin Hunting Curios Are Here!!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2316Apr 1st, 2014All Hail, Queen Eileen! (Again!)Estarra the EternalEveryone
2315Apr 1st, 2014Springtime Present and Lesson Promotion!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2314Mar 31st, 2014Forum BannersEstarra the EternalEveryone
2313Mar 28th, 2014Wedding OfficialsRoark LibertasEveryone
2312Mar 18th, 2014House of Cards: Leprechaun Edition!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2311Mar 17th, 2014Poteen PromotionEstarra the EternalEveryone
2310Mar 11th, 2014Improved Pots of Poteen!!!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2309Mar 5th, 2014Credit Purchase by PBC DiscontinuedEstarra the EternalEveryone
2308Mar 1st, 2014Trial of Ascension: Rise of Lord KarlachEstarra the EternalEveryone
2307Mar 1st, 2014Revenge of the Leprechauns Promotion!Estarra the EternalEveryone
2306Feb 26th, 2014January Vesteran HonoursEstarra the EternalEveryone

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