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Public News Post #1991

The Sacred Leaves and Visitors

Written by: Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow
Date: Friday, June 21st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Tidings to the People of the Basin,

On the 1st of Urlachmar, 681 CE, the Moonhart Circle of the Serenwilde Commune ratified changes to the Sacred Leaves. In summary, we formally replace treaties with cities of the Basin with permissions for peaceful visitors to trade, travel, hunt, and harvest as defined and determined by the people of Serenwilde.

Cosmic entities, members of the illithoid race, and members of the Glomdoring Commune remain barred from the territories of Serenwilde.

Xiran Stormcrow
Silver Regent of the Serenwilde Commune

[Green and silver scrollwork unfurls across the parchment.]

Much like the Sacred Moonhart Trees, the Serenwilde has many extensions and interests. This can range from the smallest member to the tallest tree. We make the following laws in regards to the Serenwilde Commune and any location under Her jurisdiction - such includes Prime and Ethereal Serenwilde Forest, the Seralem, the Abode of Mother Moon, as well as any villages pledged to the Serenwilde Commune.

I. Sanctity of the Serenwilde
1) Peaceful visitors within Serenwilde jurisdiction will not be attacked without warning. Any commune member may request a visitor to leave if they feel the visitor is violating the commune's good will. Refusal to leave will result in forfeiting their rights as a guest. If there is for reason a need to do this, a report must be sent to a member of the Moonhart Circle explaining why.

1.a) Visitors within Serenwilde jurisdiction will not be provided sanctuary if they enter under questionable circumstances and whilst others are in pursuit of them. They are to leave immediately if so, refusal to leave resulting in enemy status.

2) Shadowbound Fae, totemic crows, Cosmic beings (including angels and angelkin, pegasi (including the Pegasus known as Aestra), and other beings from Celestia; demons and demonkin, nightmares, and other beings from Nil; and any beings from the Vortex or the Continuum are forbidden within the jurisdiction of the Serenwilde.

3) Outsiders spying on any member of the Wilde in any way, shape or form is prohibited. Outsiders dreamweaving within the Serenwilde are considered spies and shall be treated as such.

4) None of the illithoid race are welcome in the Serenwilde. They are not to be members of the Serenwilde, nor are they allowed within Serenwilde's territories. Illithoid found within Serenwilde territory shall be asked to leave. If they do not comply, enemy status will follow. Any illithoid who join us from the Portals will need to reincarnate or be ostracized.

Protection of the Serenwilde
1) Attacking or slaying a commune member without express mutual consent is prohibited.

2) Attacking any creature loyal to the Serenwilde or loyal to One of the Divine Pantheon of Serenwilde is prohibited. This applies also to the fae of the Ethereal Serenwilde, Faethorn, the Sacred Trees, and the Great Spirits.

3) Actions that would involve the Commune in organisational conflict in which it is not already engaged are forbidden. Such actions will be judged by the Moonhart Circle on a case-by-case basis.

4) All members of the Serenwilde will abide by the conditions of any treaties, agreements or cease-fires made with any other political organisation. This point of the Sacred Leaves shall be added to all treaties, agreements or cease-fires.

Jurisdiction of the Guilds
1) Each of the three Serenwilde Guilds retains the right to remove any visitor from their respective guild halls.

2) Each guildmaster retains the right to remove a person from the commune upon outguilding.

3) Each guildmaster retains the right to declare a situation a guild matter, so long as the matter falls solely within his or her guild's influence.

Religion within the Commune
1) No followers of Lord Manteekan, Lord Raezon, Lord Fain, Lady Drocilla, Lord Shikari, Lord Nocht, Lady Viravain, Lord Morgfyre, or Lady Malmydia will be permitted membership within the Commune.

2) No member of the commune may defile a shrine belonging to one of the Divine Consulate of the Serenwilde unless it is done at the express command of the order in question and under their supervision. The Moonhart Circle reserves the right to overrule this law when deemed necessary.

Trade within the Commune
1) No Commune member will trade in goods, services or currency with those branded an enemy to the Commune.

2) Peaceful visitors within Serenwilde jurisdiction may enjoy trade and travel with Commune members as well as hunt and harvest of renewable resources (including herbs, poisons, and essence).

2.a) The Commune may invoke a temporary cessation of visitation or specific freedoms for visitors in times of need, such as a sole right to essence from Serenwilde jurisdiction when an Avatar of Mother Moon has been harmed. Visitors will be informed explicitly and not immediately treated as hostile.

2.b) Trees growing within Serenwilde jurisdiction or a realm of One of Serenwilde's Divine Pantheon are not considered harvestable resources for visitors.

2.c) Strip-harvesting, the harvesting of any plant below five (5) specimens within a single location, is not permitted.

2.d) Fae are not to be considered harvestable resources.

II. The Ethereal Plane

Serenwilde and Faethorn Court
1) Queen Maeve and Faethorn are protected under the sanctity of the Commune Laws and as such it shall be a crime to bring harm to any of her subjects or herself.

2) Any person attempting to corrupt the Fae by the Light of Celestia, the Taint of Nil, any method of the Vortex, or by any method of the Continuum shall be enemied immediately and without prejudice.

III. Commune Leadership

Moonhart Circle
1) The Moonhart Circle leads the Commune and all decisions it makes are final.

2) The Moonhart Circle will consult with Security Minister, Security Aides, and other relevantly experienced individuals before making any decision or policy concerning security, warfare or general combat.

1) Ministers retain the right to make minor modifications to their ministry at will. They will notify the Moonhart Circle before making significant changes, otherwise.

IV. The Aetherwaves and News
1) Respect shall be given at all times to every member on the commune's aetherwaves and newsboards. This includes the following: Serenwilde, Serenwilde Elite Guard, The Moonhart Circle, and cartels of Serenwilde.

V. Violation of the Sacred Leaves
1) Anyone violating the laws of the Commune shall receive punishment after the following are taken into account: history of behaviour, service to the Commune, and freshness from the Portal of Fate.

2) Punishments for breaking the commune's laws will be given by the Moonhart Circle and/or the leaders of the commune's guilds. Punishments may only be overruled at the consent of the Moonhart Circle.

3) Cases where the Leaves are abused or misconstrued by commune members should be reported individually to the Moonhart Circle. Appropriate punishment, if any, will be given at their discretion.

4) Enemies of the Serenwilde Commune may appeal to the Minister of Security or a member of the Moonhart Circle.

So mote it be.
Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow
Vates Arboreal Galaphyrae Talnara
Grey Waykeeper Mani
Wyldewald Elarin Myeras

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Urlachmar, in the year 681 CE.

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