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Announce News Post #510

The Divine of Lusternia

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2006
Addressed to: Everyone

Over the next few weeks or so, you may find that gods have more in-role
powers. While it is true that gods in Lusternia are fallible and have
limited powers, they still have abilities and knowledge far and above
anything mortals can imagine. Surely it is the height of stupidity for
mortals to show disrespect in the presence of these beings. For those
mortal players who think that being contemptuous or rude or
disrespectful in the presence of gods is "funny" or "acceptable
roleplaying" or whatever it is that prompts this sort of behavior, be
warned that gods are now free to "remove the gloves" and take
disrespectful mortals to task. Though gods will not go out of their way
to harass mortals, certainly they won't hold back if a mortal acts
without at least a semblance of respect when in their presence. You have
been warned.

Also, orders and shrines will be getting an overhaul in the coming
weeks, so be prepared for some changes. (Don't bother the gods with
asking what changes are forthcoming, be patient and find out.)

Penned by My hand on the 12th of Urlachmar, in the year 138 CE.

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