Public News Posts: 1531-1492

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1531Mar 18th, 2012My contestation for Lord GeneralSir Rafael Lenu, the Grand CrusaderEveryone
1530Mar 14th, 2012Journalists and How I'm Not One.Celestial Crythor IythaEveryone
1529Mar 3rd, 2012A revelationNaralis al-Qatar, Zenthain of MysraiEveryone
1528Feb 28th, 2012Glad ye back, sorry about the Basin balkanizationTully, Janitor of the BasinIsune, the Aesthete
1527Feb 24th, 2012The Celestial HymnalCelestial Crythor IythaEveryone
1526Feb 18th, 2012Good Luck Seal Bearers!Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1525Feb 9th, 2012The Hound of LlywelynCelestial Crythor Iytha, Troubadour of CantorsEveryone
1524Feb 2nd, 2012ApologiesVeradin Munsia D'cente`Terentia, the Even Bladed
1523Jan 27th, 2012Let the hunt begin!Mu Paradigm Ixchilgal Mes'ard, Many of OneEveryone
1522Jan 22nd, 2012The SlanderIytha, Chicken Chase ChampionEveryone
1521Jan 16th, 2012Bawdy Limerick Contest!Orgiastic Reveler Sedah, For Whom Liquor is QuickerEveryone
1520Dec 31st, 2011Food Update--as in ashy tasting food...Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1519Dec 29th, 2011In response to Pesukaru Lunarose, and a small note for everybody else as wellArchmage Phoebus Skyplume, Tamer of the WindsPesukaru Lunarose
1518Dec 29th, 2011Harsh words and deedsResonator of Resins, Pesukaru Lunarose, First of the FaithfulArchmage Phoebus Skyplume, Tamer of the Winds
1517Dec 24th, 2011Writing to ye (or it might just be talking to myself, at any rate)!Tully, Janitor of the BasinIsune, the Aesthete
1516Dec 21st, 2011the DiscussionDreamer Akuno Primrose, BrandletEveryone
1515Dec 15th, 2011A discussion on the Peak of Avechna.Dreamer AkunoEveryone
1514Dec 4th, 2011Library Inquiry--Give me a recommended reading list.Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1513Dec 3rd, 2011lost ItemWyrden Scourge Tyrni Llaewell, Ravager of ReasonEveryone
1512Nov 22nd, 2011Thanks for Celebrating!Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1511Nov 19th, 2011Chefs Needed for CateringTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1510Nov 16th, 2011Date for my little gatheringTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1509Nov 10th, 2011Looking for help for a questApprentice MelisaEveryone
1508Nov 6th, 2011Yes it was a typo and it was MY MISTAKE, not a scribe.Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1507Nov 6th, 2011An Upcoming Celebration--A time to feast, fest, and reflectTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1506Oct 25th, 2011Translations providedTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1505Oct 24th, 2011Some information about Project Cloudspout.Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1504Oct 17th, 2011FarewellTremula d'VanecuEveryone
1503Oct 15th, 2011miasmaAqua Adept Staar Eli'SilarEveryone
1502Oct 2nd, 2011Miasma StatusArchmage Phoebus Skyplume, Tamer of the WindsEveryone
1501Sep 25th, 2011Aethercity LianmorSakr CimmeriiEveryone
1500Sep 21st, 2011The Crystaline EmporiumAeromage Onenmaru, Instructor of IsaEveryone
1499Sep 15th, 2011Back from Vacation...Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1498Aug 24th, 2011Hive AnkhemetHive King Azus Ankhemotep, Kotul en-KuiEveryone
1497Aug 21st, 2011Taking a vacation and sabbatical for a short timeTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1496Aug 16th, 2011UsParadigm of Hours, Ixchilgal Mes'ard, Many of OneMagistrate Morbo Gordian
1495Jul 23rd, 2011Thanks for the assistance!Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1494Jul 19th, 2011Painting the sky with starts--let's try to cheer the Basin up for at least one night (volunteers wanted!)Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1493Jul 7th, 2011The Weird and Wounded SkyTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1492Jul 5th, 2011Hiring Legal AssistantSupreme Commander Ixchilgal Mes'ard, Many of OneEveryone

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