Announce News Posts: 985-946

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985Jan 11th, 2008MeOromeEveryone
984Jan 11th, 2008Monk ChangesRoark LibertasEveryone
983Jan 10th, 2008Ascension Event 2008Estarra, the EternalEveryone
982Jan 9th, 2008Year in ReviewEstarra, the EternalEveryone
981Jan 8th, 2008Accepting Guide Applicationsthe Moirae, the Administrators of GuidesEveryone
980Jan 8th, 2008Snub and EnchantmentsMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
979Jan 8th, 2008Village Revolts and Envoy ChangesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
978Jan 1st, 2008Weighted ElectionsEstarra, the EternalEveryone
977Jan 1st, 2008Happy New Year!Estarra, the EternalEveryone
976Dec 27th, 2007UpdatesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
975Dec 26th, 2007ChangesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
974Dec 23rd, 2007Joining Cities, Communes and Guilds through DenizensMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
973Dec 23rd, 2007Holiday update!Morgfyre, the LegionEveryone
972Dec 23rd, 2007Solstice GnomesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
971Dec 21st, 2007Firewalls and ToadsEstarra, the EternalEveryone
970Dec 21st, 2007Ironbeard returns!Morgfyre, the LegionEveryone
969Dec 18th, 2007Wounds Skill in DiscernmentEstarra, the EternalEveryone
968Dec 18th, 2007Artifact GiftsMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
967Dec 16th, 2007RupturesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
966Dec 15th, 2007Ninjakari Monk Guild OpeningEstarra, the EternalEveryone
965Dec 14th, 2007Auronidion Updates and BugfixesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
964Dec 13th, 2007Bug fixesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
963Dec 12th, 2007November Vesteran HonoursEstarra, the EternalEveryone
962Dec 8th, 2007Auronidion Changes and BugfixesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
961Dec 5th, 2007Artifact changesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
960Dec 4th, 2007Auctions and Artifacts!Estarra, the EternalEveryone
959Dec 4th, 2007Bug fixesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
958Dec 2nd, 2007Estengare RiverEstarra, the EternalEveryone
957Nov 30th, 2007Bug fixesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
956Nov 27th, 2007Bug fixes galore!Morgfyre, the LegionEveryone
955Nov 26th, 2007Holiday Credit Bonus!Estarra, the EternalEveryone
954Nov 23rd, 2007Artifacts!Estarra, the EternalEveryone
953Nov 21st, 2007October Envoy ReportMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
952Nov 16th, 2007October Vesteran HonoursEstarra, the EternalEveryone
951Nov 16th, 2007Nexus Worlds: Auronidion Particles and AuronispheresMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
950Nov 14th, 2007Ephemeral Applications ClosedEstarra, the EternalEveryone
949Nov 12th, 2007Misc. UpdatesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
948Nov 9th, 2007Bugfixes and UpdatesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone
947Nov 8th, 2007ForgingRoark LibertasEveryone
946Nov 7th, 2007Construct UpdatesMorgfyre, the LegionEveryone

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