Public News Posts: 1491-1452

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1491Jul 4th, 2011Some quick panicky thoughts in hopes to helpTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1490Jun 25th, 2011disregard the last postZygot D'cente`, Wrath of BromEveryone
1489Jun 25th, 2011earlier post, and comments that followZygot D'cente`, Wrath of BromEveryone
1488Jun 25th, 2011My wordsZygot D'cente`, Wrath of BromDrill Sergeant Naralis Siarani
1487Jun 24th, 2011My actionsDrill Sergeant Naralis SiaraniZygot D'cente`, Wrath of Brom
1486Jun 21st, 2011YouAlisa n'Kylbar, Matriarch of DespairSpark Zafirah Euphea
1485Jun 20th, 2011n'Kylbar and goldSpark Zafirah EupheaEveryone
1484May 12th, 2011D'cente`Frozen Pectus Dawneye, Winter's WandererMunsia D'cente`
1483May 12th, 2011Rise of the D'cente`Munsia D'cente`Everyone
1482May 8th, 2011ApologyAmanuensis Suzaku Dekoven, Continuum Regulation OfficerEveryone
1481May 1st, 2011A replySohei Malarious, of the QuietusAttendant Bacchus
1480Apr 30th, 2011MendingAttendant BacchusEveryone
1479Apr 3rd, 2011MagnagoraGrunt Jigan, Ur'Guard InitiateEveryone
1478Apr 3rd, 2011Bolvine Love, UnrequitedThe Cunning Kalas Iytha, Inspired Invader of HavensEveryone
1477Apr 3rd, 2011EXTRA! EXTRA! MARTIAL LAW DECLARED BY MAGISTRATE XARCON N'KYLBAR!The Cunning Kalas Iytha, Inspired Invader of HavensEveryone
1476Mar 21st, 2011Lost journalArchprelate Arian L'Aumes, MoCAEveryone
1475Mar 7th, 2011But really to GaudiguchRika TalnaraEveryone
1474Mar 3rd, 2011Shop AuctionJunior Fellow CasiluEveryone
1473Mar 2nd, 2011Hallifax Shop AuctionJunior Fellow CasiluEveryone
1472Feb 26th, 2011Butterflies and Squonks and Winter--Keeping ye up to date!Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1471Feb 22nd, 2011The Scribes Rejoyce!Tully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1470Feb 21st, 2011A word of adviceGrand Cenobite Krackenor d'Murani, of the Blasted SandsEveryone
1469Feb 19th, 2011ApologiesMinister Daraius ShevatEveryone
1468Feb 19th, 2011Skyscribes Design CompetitionMinister Daraius ShevatEveryone
1467Feb 10th, 2011The Muian "Scientific" SocietyDr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of TwilightAntearchaeologist Kalas Iytha, Temple Inspector
1466Feb 10th, 2011A correction!Antearchaeologist Kalas Iytha, Temple InspectorEveryone
1465Feb 10th, 2011Experimental Volunteers Required!Antearchaeologist Kalas Iytha, Temple InspectorEveryone
1464Feb 6th, 2011A couple of quick thingsTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1463Jan 26th, 2011Previous postChief Superintendent Yurika La'SaetEveryone
1462Jan 26th, 2011Contest ends!Chief Superintendent Yurika La'SaetEveryone
1461Jan 13th, 2011previous postSir Laranda Eli'Silar, Aspirant of the AegisEveryone
1460Jan 13th, 2011Pilot tasksSir Laranda Eli'Silar, Aspirant of the AegisEveryone
1459Jan 8th, 2011My stupidityIll Omen Thalkros i'Viani, Fist of LuciphageEventru, Crown of the Exalted
1458Jan 8th, 2011My ApologiesSohei Malarious, of the QuietusEventru, Crown of the Exalted
1457Jan 7th, 2011I miss ye, boyoTully, Janitor of the BasinIsune, the Aesthete
1456Jan 2nd, 2011Great Post-Solstice Treasure HuntRika Talnara, of the Wistful RhythmEveryone
1455Dec 29th, 2010Why I joined the Aquamancers and what i wish to achieveAqua Adept Staar Eli'SilarEveryone
1454Dec 26th, 2010Melding and changing of landIrcria Dawneye, Khan en-WildeEveryone
1453Dec 23rd, 2010Merry Solstice EveryoneTully, Janitor of the BasinEveryone
1452Dec 22nd, 2010I'm sorry boyoTully, Janitor of the BasinGorky Hardbottom

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