Announce News Posts: 160-121

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160Jan 9th, 2005Misc. ChangesRoark LibertasEveryone
159Jan 8th, 2005Guild SystemEstarra, the EternalEveryone
158Jan 8th, 2005Kicking members out of city or communeEstarra, the EternalEveryone
157Jan 7th, 2005Village Influence ChangeEstarra, the EternalEveryone
156Jan 7th, 2005Moon PhasesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
155Jan 3rd, 2005Bugged Enchantment ItemsRoark LibertasEveryone
154Jan 3rd, 2005City/Commune CommandsRoark LibertasEveryone
153Dec 31st, 2004Builder Application DeadlineEstarra, the EternalEveryone
152Dec 31st, 2004DebatingRoark LibertasEveryone
151Dec 31st, 2004Change in Village InfluencingEstarra, the EternalEveryone
150Dec 31st, 2004Gems of CloakingEstarra, the EternalEveryone
149Dec 30th, 2004Upgrading Artifact Great RunesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
148Dec 30th, 2004Runes on TotemsEstarra, the EternalEveryone
147Dec 28th, 2004Nexuses on Elemental and Cosmic PlanesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
146Dec 28th, 2004A Call for Mortal BuildersEstarra, the EternalEveryone
145Dec 24th, 2004Presents from the Chubby GnomeEstarra, the EternalEveryone
144Dec 24th, 2004Strange Little Character in the RealmEstarra, the EternalEveryone
143Dec 24th, 2004English LanguageEstarra, the EternalEveryone
142Dec 23rd, 2004RunesRoark LibertasEveryone
141Dec 22nd, 2004WillowispEstarra, the EternalEveryone
140Dec 20th, 2004ContagionEstarra, the EternalEveryone
139Dec 20th, 2004Forcing into Enemy TerritoryEstarra, the EternalEveryone
138Dec 19th, 2004MapsEstarra, the EternalEveryone
137Dec 19th, 2004Map Contest ResultsEstarra, the EternalEveryone
136Dec 19th, 2004RunesRoark LibertasEveryone
135Dec 18th, 2004Illusion UpdatesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
134Dec 17th, 2004TsunamiRoark LibertasEveryone
133Dec 17th, 2004Demesne ChangesRoark LibertasEveryone
132Dec 16th, 2004Village InfluenceEstarra, the EternalEveryone
131Dec 16th, 2004StuffRoark LibertasEveryone
130Dec 16th, 2004AquamancyRoark LibertasEveryone
129Dec 14th, 2004Artifact NotesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
128Dec 14th, 2004Great RuneRoark LibertasEveryone
127Dec 12th, 2004PunishmentEstarra, the EternalEveryone
126Dec 12th, 2004Village InfluencingEstarra, the EternalEveryone
125Dec 11th, 2004A midnight black engagement ringEstarra, the EternalEveryone
124Dec 11th, 2004Moon UpdatesEstarra, the EternalEveryone
123Dec 10th, 2004Harrassment = Shrubbing OffenseEstarra, the EternalEveryone
122Dec 10th, 2004Knights, Behold Great Runes!Roark LibertasEveryone
121Dec 9th, 2004Cooking and ArtsEstarra, the EternalEveryone

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