Public News Posts: 1330-1291

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1330Jan 26th, 2010Be safe, be happy, and never be bored!Meae FlowrightEveryone
1329Jan 24th, 2010Gaudiguch's First Annual Hot and Steamy T-shirt ContestIoneEveryone
1328Jan 21st, 2010Addendum to Hallifax responseKalin DisatiEveryone
1327Jan 21st, 2010Re: Your textbook that put us all to sleepKalin DisatiArchmage Saaga Shavatt, the Dean of Twilight
1326Jan 21st, 2010The cultural event offered by the city-state of GaudiguchArchmage Saaga Shavatt, the Dean of TwilightKalin Disati
1325Jan 20th, 2010Guild Shop, and Certain TSC membersHoly Father Balian Zayah, The EcclesiarchEveryone
1324Jan 18th, 2010Our war statusKalin DisatiRika Talnara, Wings of Mystery
1323Jan 17th, 2010apologyDysolis HeatherwoodKalin Disati
1322Jan 14th, 2010The City of CelestGeraldenEveryone
1321Jan 14th, 2010NoneRequiem in Motion, Pesukaru, Sonata of the SoulKyoodai Furthim, Apprentice of the Way
1320Jan 14th, 2010GreetingsRequiem in Motion, Pesukaru, Sonata of the SoulKyoodai Furthim, Apprentice of the Way
1319Jan 14th, 2010PesukaruKyoodai Furthim, Apprentice of the WayRequiem in Motion, Pesukaru, Sonata of the Soul
1318Jan 11th, 2010My recent postPyroclast Ayrna, Burning QuillEveryone
1317Jan 11th, 2010Mother Night and the ShadowdancersPrince Viynain Stormcrow, Savant of DarknessEveryone
1316Jan 11th, 2010An Invitation to All LoboshigaruPack Alpha Rhaell Nashoba, Serenguard WarriorEveryone
1315Jan 11th, 2010The price of tea in DairuchiPyroclast Ayrna, Burning QuillEveryone
1314Jan 10th, 2010Missed News PostPrincess of the Sea, Postulant Aleria Zayah, Love's DiscipleEveryone
1313Jan 10th, 2010Guild AdministratorPrincess of the Sea, Postulant Aleria Zayah, Love's DiscipleEveryone
1312Dec 30th, 2009ApologiesMunsia D'cente`Everyone
1311Dec 26th, 2009ApologiesKarrah RakonaEveryone
1310Dec 26th, 2009TailoringKarrah RakonaEveryone
1309Dec 22nd, 2009Opening Hallifax and the AeromancersCririk AdomEveryone
1308Dec 21st, 2009Declaration of IndependenceScuchidira TliwxEveryone
1307Dec 21st, 2009Declaration of SovereigntyCririk AdomEveryone
1306Dec 20th, 2009Aligning the public recordXavius CarthanEveryone
1305Dec 20th, 2009Recent eventsCririk AdomSister Sheia Silverwing, Princess of New Celest
1304Dec 20th, 2009See reason, Empress!Scuchidira TliwxSister Sheia Silverwing, Princess of New Celest
1303Dec 20th, 2009Confirmation of AgreementCririk AdomSister Sheia Silverwing, Princess of New Celest
1302Dec 20th, 2009Demand for Declaration of WarScuchidira TliwxEveryone
1301Dec 20th, 2009Memorandum for AidCririk AdomSister Sheia Silverwing, Princess of New Celest
1300Dec 10th, 2009Lord Elostian's OrderEcclesiar Kaalak MittaniEveryone
1299Dec 8th, 2009My last post title: Arena GamesPenumbra Amumnin, Servant of WisdomEveryone
1298Dec 8th, 2009Arena GamesPenumbra Amumnin, Servant of WisdomEveryone
1297Dec 8th, 2009ApologyMunsia D'cente`Eventru, Crown of the Exalted
1296Dec 7th, 2009--Mystic Yuniko Auralius, Midnight Black RoseEveryone
1295Nov 14th, 2009bioWyrm Versago, Ward of the WyrdEveryone
1294Nov 14th, 2009To Halse and AzothProdigal Aison, Bearer of the LightEveryone
1293Nov 14th, 2009In regards to Your holy self...Haruspex Azoth Nae'blisEventru, Crown of the Exalted
1292Nov 14th, 2009Your Post....Shadow Warrior Halse n'Kylbar, Ward of ShiawaseEventru, Crown of the Exalted
1291Nov 14th, 2009MurderEventru, Crown of the ExaltedDreamer Pruxi, Psalm of Revelation

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